Why DNA Adductomics for Cancer Prevention
The DNA Adductomics of Survalence will use ultra-sensitive mass spectrometry technology for detection of DNA CANCER SEEDS. Survalence will design, build, and apply this technology in collaboration with scientists and clinicians at other institutions, prior to bringing it to the public.
“Sometimes an idea is ahead of its time, like walking on the moon. This has been true for the idea of a practical, comprehensive test for DNA CANCER SEEDS. Nevertheless, at last there is a blueprint, and some work has started, for this new weapon against cancer…”
Understanding DNA Cancer Seeds
When it comes to cancer, our body is like a garden. Our body can be invaded by cancer, and a garden can be invaded by weeds. For the garden, the invasion begins with “weed seeds”, while cancer often begins with DNA CANCER SEEDS (DNA adducts).
A DNA CANCER SEED, also called a “DNA adduct”, is a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) chemical attached to one of our genes, like a piece of gum stuck in our hair. A DNA CANCER SEED can “grow” into a mutation, and mutations drive most cancer.
DNA Adducts vs. DNA Mutations
- Almost all carcinogens are genotoxic - they “stain DNA” (termed “DNA Adducts”), and the DNA thereby is said to be “adducted”.
- DNA Adducts can be mis-repaired or mis-copied in the cell to yield “mis-spellings” of the DNA code, termed “mutations”.
- Mutations drive most cancers.
What can damage DNA?

Reprinted with permission of Peter Vilallta and Robert Carlson at UMinn
DNA Adducts (damaged nucleotides in DNA) have been referred to as “Cancer Seeds” (CaSe) since they can “turn into” mutations, which drive most cancers.
Sometimes pollution is visible

There are many sources of DNA cancer seeds such as unhealthy diets, environmental (including occupational) pollution, and bad habits such as smoking. Knowing your DNA cancer seeds can reveal their sources. With this information, you can change your exposures in a way that can lower your cancer risk.
Some people have elevated DNA cancer seeds because of inherited defects in DNA repair. They need to be extra concerned about their environment, and undergo testing more frequently for DNA cancer seeds and cancer. Differences in metabolism among people can also give differences in levels of DNA cancer seeds.
Survalence Biosciences: A Next Step in Cancer Prevention
There is a potential new prevention weapon against cancer which has never been tried, even though the concept for it was put forth over 40 years ago. The problem is that this weapon has never been fully built…
In 1981, Bernard Weinstein, who was a cancer epidemiologist at Columbia University, put forth the concept of “DNA adductomics” as a new prevention weapon against cancer.
DNA adducts are sites of damage on our DNA from exposure to carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals or conditions). The DNA is said to be “adducted”. A popular analogy for a DNA adduct is that it is like a piece of gum stuck in your hair.
DNA adducts are not cancer, but they can “turn into” mutations, which drive most cancers. DNA adducts act as seeds for cancers.
At last a team of cancer prevention researchers has created a blueprint for this new weapon, and begun to build it: Survalence Biosciences, LLC.
Which DNA cancer seeds are excessive in your body? You don’t have a clue. Answering this question for people in general requires a comprehensive test for DNA cancer seeds. Survalence Biosciences will create a new prevention weapon that can help to prevent much cancer, in part by discovering cancer-causing pollution that has attacked your DNA.

How Cancer Prevention with Survalence Works
Each genotoxic exposure damages your DNA in its own way, giving characteristic DNA Adducts or “Cancer Seeds”.
Cancer Seeds
Each genotoxic exposure damages your DNA in its own way, giving characteristic DNA Adducts or “Cancer Seeds.”
Genotoxic Exposures
By discovering your Cancer Seeds, you precisely discover your genotoxic exposures, enabling you to address and reduce them.
Prevent Cancer
By acting at the upstream, elevated risk stage, you can potentially avoid cancer in the first place – a form of primary cancer prevention.