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CaSe Test Development & Application

Survalence Biosciences is currently seeking investment and collaboration. 

Test Development

Build the CaSe TEST by first optimizing detection of standard DNA Adducts, followed by testing authentic DNA containing such adducts.

Phase One Application

Apply the CaSe TEST to DNA samples already tested by sugar-loss mass spectrometry, a reliable but limited assay for DNA Adducts.

Phase Two Application

Apply the CaSe TEST to blood and urine samples from second test groups, such as smokers, firefighters, obese people, frequent eaters of grilled meat, and women who test positive for BRCA.

When it comes to cancer, nothing beats primary prevention.

There is a big gap in the prevention weaponry to fight cancer

DNA Adductomics is a story that has begun, but currently it is fragmented and far from complete…
so the biological, clinical and societal impact has been limited.

Filling this big gap and finishing the story is a significant health and commercial opportunity.

Measuring DNA Adducts for primary cancer prevention is not easy, but the Survalence CaSe test promises success.

The core IP is strong: two issued US patents and one filed international patent application.

Examples of Customers: Survalence Primary Cancer Prevention Test
Camp Lejeune Example

Background: The carcinogenic water at Camp Lejeune went undiscovered for 34 years! This increased cancer incidence…35% for kidney cancer, 42% for liver cancer, 43% for esophageal cancer and 35% for cervical cancer.

The contamination of drinking water at Camp Lejeune started in the early 1950s, and the most contaminated wells were shut down in 1985. ATSDR has been assessing the health risks from hazardous substances in the drinking water at Camp Lejeune since the late 1980s. 

As many as one million military and civilian staff and their families might have been exposed to the contaminated drinking water.


The Survalence CaSe Test could have discovered this exposure in less than a week.