The collective knowledge and experience of this team will accomplish the Survalence CaSe Test.

Penny Beuning, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Chair, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Northeastern University
Expertise: DNA Repair and Mutational Biochemistry

Roger Giese, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry and Biomedical Science
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Northeastern University
Expertise: DNA Adductomics

Timothy R. Rebbeck, Ph.D.
Professor of Cancer Prevention and Medical Oncology
Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Expertise: Cancer Prevention and Epidemiology

Robert Turesky, Ph.D.
Professor of Cancer Causation
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
University of Minnesota
Expertise: DNA Adductomics

Penny Beuning
Chair, CCB, Northeastern University
Roger Giese
Professor CBA, Northeastern University
Timothy Rebbeck
Professor Cancer Prevention & DFCI-Harvard University
Robert Turesky
Professor Cancer Causation University of MinnesotaNOTE: A Chief Scientific Officer for Survalence Biosciences has been identified, and is looking forward to joining the company. This person is skilled in all facets of CaSe, and currently directs a mass spectrometry facility at a nearby pharmaceutical company.

Timothy R. Rebbeck, Ph.D.
Professor of Cancer Prevention at the Dana-Farber Harvard Cancer Center, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health"I am writing to express my great interest in the new technology that you have designed for DNA adductomics. I worked in this area early in my career and have maintained a keen interest in this topic because of its potential to become a significant tool in cancer prevention. The emphasis of your proposed technology to develop and implement an approach that can be used by epidemiologists and clinicians will have a great impact on the field."